Today is "Simplify Your Life Day." It is celebrated annually on March 3rd. It was established in 2011 by Carmen Coker, a professional organizer and ex-Air Force Officer.
The purpose for this is to reflect on what is causing us anxiety, stress, depression or turmoil in our lives. These all produce negative energy that affects us physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. They all zap our energy and exhaust us.
The goal of "Simplify Your Life Day" is to find ways to eliminate as many of these negative energy producers as possible. Implementing simpler ways of living will restore our peace and joy. As Coker wrote, "A simpler life is a happier life."
Can we do it overnight? Of course, not. It has taken years for us to build the habits and attitudes that cause these stressors. So, we should not be surprised that it will take time to undo what we have done and acquire new habits.
If we do the work, our reward will be the life God imagined for us when he formed us in our mothers' wombs, "plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11 AMP).
Check out these sources for advice on how to change your life habits that are not helpful and build virtues that are:
* The Bible's book of Proverbs.
* Advice from Ben Franklin on how to change habits & develop his 13 virtues at:
* The official website for National Simplify Your Life Day:,room%20for%20a%20simpler%20life.